Fri, 07 Feb 2025, 13:56 PM


About SCERT Bihar

SCERT was set up to provide academic leadership and to act as the hub of academic research innovation, inspiration and motivation within the State. It was established to be a symbol of quality and provide philosophical and sociological insights into education for transformation of society. It is responsible mainly for designing the curriculum, development of textbooks, supervision of DIETs and teacher training. The SCERT is a lead academic institution at State level providing support to DIETs, CTEs and engaged in educational research and training. It is functioning along the lines of NCERT at the state level, providing advice to State government on policy issues, support to implementation and appraisal of programmes and undertaking activities for quality improvement in school education and teacher education. SCERT is the apex level academic bodies in the States for school education and its functions can be broadly categorized as follows:

• To conduct Action Research and continuous evaluation. In the process, they should also be involved with development of new technologies for learner evaluation.
• Curricular Research, Development, Design as well as curriculum Renewal 
• Text Book renewal
• To develop modules/materials for Teacher Training 
• To develop Teaching Learning Material
• To mentor and provide guidance to DIETs
• To train Teachers Educators, Teachers, Supervisors and Junior Level Administrative Personnel on educational management.
• To develop new methodologies for learning / curriculum transaction.
• Addressing the numeric need of teachers in the state, both in elementary and secondary education.
•Addressing the capacity development of in-service teachers to handle complex school learning situations and reality-based difficulties in transacting school curriculum.
• Attention to professional development of teacher educators in DIETs and other institutions.
• Monitoring the post training implementation and creating a loop to feed it back into future training programs.
• Knowledge creation through Research/Action research, curriculum revision based on field realities and changing global scenario, updating training content with teacher need analysis, etc.
• To train the untrained teachers already working in elementary schools through distance mode.

The SCERT Bihar operates through the Central Office and has following departments and cells:


  1. Department of Science and mathematics

  2. Department of Pedagogy, Syllabus, and Evaluation

  3. Department of Teacher Education

  4. Department of School Education

  5. Department of Language and Humanities

  6. Department of Distance Education

  7. Department of Educational Technology

  8. Department of Educational Management Planning, Research and Policy

  9. Department of Inclusive Education

  10. Department of Educational Psychology

  11. Department of Physical Education, Art & Craft


1. Population Education

2. Library