Sat, 14 Sep 2024, 09:21 AM

About DIETs



  1. Mission and Role

    Eight DIETs and One District Resource Centre came into existence under the centrally sponsored scheme of  MHRD and are functioning under the administrative school of SCERT, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. To provide academic and resource support (vide Para 1.5) at the grass-roots Level for the success of the various strategies and programmers being Undertaken in the area of elementary and adult education, with reference to the following objective;

    1. Excellence in the Institute’s own work, and
    2. Helping the elementary and adult education systems in the district, in achieving excellence.

2. Functions

The institute has three main functions via:

  1. Training (two year diploma) in Elementary Teacher Education under Pre-service as well as in-service training of elementary school teachers, Headmasters, head of school complexes and officers of education deptt., Teachers of learning centers, instructors and supervisors of non-formal & adult education, members of DBE and Village Education Committees (VEC), community leaders, CRC / ZRC heads and resource persons engaged in conducting above mentioned programmes.  

  2. Academic and Resource support to the elementary and adult Education system in the district in other ways e.g. by

    1. extension activities and interaction with the fields,
    2. provision of services of a resource and learning centre for teachers and instructors
    3. development of locally relevant materials teaching aids. Evaluation tools etc, and
    4. serving as an evaluation centre for Elementary schools and programmes of NFE / AE.


Action research and experimentation to deal with specific problems of the district in achieving the objectives in the areas of elementary and adult and non formal education.

3. Academic Branches: Functions

(i)    Pre-Service Teacher Education (PSTE) Branch

The branch organizes two-year Diploma course in Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) .The course prepares trainees to provide learner-centered education and education for over all development of personality of learners including children of disadvantaged group I.e. first generation learners and children with major handicaps and other mild handicaps also .The branch provides input into programmes and activities of all other branches of the institutes to the extent of subjects and areas represented /handled in the branch.

(ii)    Work Experience (WE) Branch

The focus of this branch is to identify locally relevant WE areas and develop sample curricular units, teaching material ,low cost teaching aids and evaluation tools / techniques in such areas and help educational authorities, schools and learning centers in planned Introduction of WE activities in such schools and centers to conduct appropriate in service training programmes for teachers in the areas of WE ,to provide WE related input into all other programmes and activities of other branches of the institute , to organize the activities of cleanliness and development of the institute campus and its surroundings.

(iii)    Curriculum, Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE) Branch

The functions of the branch include development of locally relevant curricular units, methodology and evaluation techniques and testing tools, organization of TLM workshops for in-service and pre-service teachers, training of teachers /NGO volunteers/educational administrators for development of materials and testing tools, monitoring of AE/NFE Centers, action research on educational related problems and to provide CMDE related input to all other programmes /activities of the institute.

(iv)    In-Service programmes, Field Interaction & Innovation Coordination (IFIC) Branch

The  functions of  the branch include assisting educational  authorities In planning and coordination of   In–service education programmes for elementary teachers throughout the district, and to plan and coordinate such programme held in the DIET, identification of training needs of elementary teachers, preparation of prospective Plans for meeting such needs, preparation of annual calendar of all programmes to serving as nodal branch to organizing orientation programmes for resource persons who would conduct In-service programme for teachers, evaluating and monitoring the quality and efficacy of in-service programme held in and outside DIET and striving for continuous improvement, maintaining database for all trainees, serving as reference and resource centers for teachers who wish to continue their education ,and acting as nodal branch for all action research and field interaction activities of the institute

(v)    Planning & Management (P & M) Branch

The functions of this branch include  to maintaining appropriate data-base for district which may be required for various planning exercises and also serving as the nodal branch in relation to all programmes of community involvement in basic education, developing the norms, criteria and techniques for evaluation of institution, conducting appropriate programmes for Head Masters, Head of School complex and block level educational functionaries, conducting survey and action research/studies with a view to give policy advice to educational planners/administrators/DBE regarding UEE/NLM and also providing planning and management related inputs to all other Branches

(vi)   Educational Technology (ET) Branch

The functions of this branch include development of effective and low-cost teaching aids, maintenance of audio-visuals. Equipments and computer lab., conduction of in-service programmes for teachers in the area of ET and development of ET material conducting action research and providing ET related inputs into all other programmes.  

(vii)   District Resource Unit (DRU)

The unit focuses on planning, implementation, co-ordination, monitoring, evaluation and training of AE/NFE//NGOs personnel through out the district and provide necessary support to such programmes organised outside the institute. The unit undertake action . research in all areas relevant for making AEINFE more effective in collaboration with other branches of DIETs. The unit coordinates UEE mission activities in the district, monitors & supervises the learning centers and provides academic resource support to the learning centres and conducts training of the teachers of learning centers