Fri, 07 Feb 2025, 13:26 PM

About CTE


There are 6 CTEs in the state. As per GOI guideline, there will be one CTE for every 3 districts and so 8 new CTEs have been sanctioned by the State. Due to the successful implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and mandates of Right to Education (RTE), number of students passing class VIII is continuously increasing. It has created demand of secondary education in the State. So, requirements of trained teachers for secondary schools has also increased substantially.  

    Government has decided to establish one secondary school in each Panchayat. The number of secondary schools in the state is going to be about 8500 and number of teachers about 65000. To ensure the quality education in secondary schools Continuous Professional Development of secondary teachers will be required which will not be possible in the state until or unless number of CTEs are increased.